View Full Version : Return lines and aeration

07-12-2011, 02:36 PM
After viewing some other threads about the affects of aeration on PH, I was wondering... Does the water flow from the return lines result in any degree of aeration?

07-12-2011, 02:58 PM
Hi WaterChase, and welcome to the forum!

Yes, the water flow from the return lines does create some aeration, if you turn the eyeball upwards so that it ripples the surface of the water.

You also can get aeration from a fountain, waterfall, or a group of splashing kids!!

By the way, I deleted your other post. During the time that your posts are moderated, when you post them they go into a queue where they wait for one of the 4 mods or Ben to approve them and put them on the forum. Usually one of us is on the forum most anytime during the day (and a lot at night) so it shouldn't take long to get your posts modded in, especially if they don't contain pictures or links. But don't be surprised if you don't immediately see your post. Sometimes it can be a little while before one of us sees it.