View Full Version : solar cover

07-10-2011, 11:41 AM
Our above ground pool is about 3 yrs,our solar cover is falling apart.We need to replace it,but dont know how thick of a cover we should buy.Do they usually last the warranty time of say 8yrs or should we buy a cheap one?Our pool is 18 x 33 above ground in the mid west,so it gets stored away in the winter in the upstairs of an unheated garage.Thanks

07-10-2011, 02:34 PM
I have never yet had one last more than 3 years and that is pushing it. In my opinion, don't spend a fortune on it and just know that it is something that you will have to replace every 3 years or so. Other people may have a different opinion, but that is mine.

One thing that will extend the life of it is if you cover it with a white sheet when it is not on the pool. I have a round pool and it is a pain in the you-know-what to fool with a round cover. I cut mine into fourths which makes it much easier to manage. I take each fourth and roll it onto a long piece of PVC (capped on the ends) and then stack the four pieces of PVC on the deck and cover it with a couple of old white twin-sized sheets.

BTW -- welcome to the Pool Forum!