View Full Version : cal-hypo shock white cloud finally gone!

07-08-2011, 08:51 PM
A month ago I posted my white cloud issue after adding 1 bag of Super Shock & Swim (cal-hypo). I partially drained and then vacuumed weekly. For the last few weeks the remaining white cloud particles would mostly settle to the bottom, but when I vacuum I could see the cloud shooting right back into the pool. Finally I switched filters from Intex to "Summer Escapes" (has a little screen in the middle to hold 1" tablets if you dare) and a 4oz dose of concentrated clarifier. Helped a little. Added a second dose of clarifier a day later and then the filter was plugging up with a light tan substance. Sprayed the filter out twice a day for 3 days and the pool was sparkling clear! FINALLY! And I will never buy any shock or tablets with cal-hypo or di- or tri- again, which rules out practically everything in the pool section of the big box stores.

Big thanks to all here for providing the info I needed to have the clearest self-maintained pool in the neighborhood. All the kids come here because their pools are a mess.

07-08-2011, 09:44 PM
Glad to hear things are going so well! Thanks for the update!