View Full Version : Repairing liner, please help!

07-07-2011, 11:18 PM
I will post a picture if I am able to. Our liner is 17 years old. A vinyl liner, inground 20x40 pool. There started out being a stress tear from dry rotting at the corner in the deep end, where it was pulled tight. Please help guide me in repairing this problem as it keeps getting bigger. Thanks so much!
I had trouble and was not able to download a pix.

07-07-2011, 11:30 PM
Send pics to poolforum AT gmail DOT com and reference the URL of this thread. My guess is that if the liner is 17 years old, it may not be able to be repaired but I may be wrong. 17 years is a long lifespan for a liner!

07-08-2011, 10:40 AM
Thanks for your reply. I know we are pushing it with the liners lifespan. Due to money issues we are trying to do everything to preserve it as long as we can! I will try and send a pix. Thanks!

07-08-2011, 06:40 PM
Please try to get the pics posted:)

07-10-2011, 01:03 PM
Ben was going to post pix for me, I sent to where they told me too? I will check with him again, to make sure they aren't posted somewhere I don't know about?

07-10-2011, 01:56 PM
They would be posted in this thread, Digger, and not somewhere else. I'll check on this for you.

07-10-2011, 04:18 PM
Here the only picture I've received:

07-10-2011, 07:59 PM
OK, you don't have as large a problem as you think :)!

You are well above the waterline and could seal the rip with duct tape, for this season. You can patch it, to keep the rip from spreading, but patches don't hold well on the bead part of the liner :(

I think you can 'limp' through this season with your liner, but need to set money aside for a new liner next year.

I'll be happy to tell you about what's involved with replacing a liner, if you want to hear it.