View Full Version : Max temp for spa heater?

05-09-2006, 10:03 PM
I noticed today that my spa heater will not go above 104. We don't have the propane tank full and usable yet, but the other day I was able to get the spa up to 103 with solar heat, and it wasn't *that* hot. So I'm worried that 104 isn't going to be enough heat for me.

Any way to bypass the 104 max temp governor? The gas co. guy today said that with some other heater type, you can get it up to 106 using some kind of trick (Some dip switch on a circuit board). He wasn't sure about my Jandy LX heater (http://www.jandy.com/html/products/heaters/lxlt/index.php). Anyone know the "trick"? Is > 104 dangerous to pool equipment or finishes or chemistry?

05-10-2006, 11:29 AM
The 104 degree maximum is a standard that was set several years ago. It is a safety standard that is regulated by a code or law. Most people find that it is quite warm, even hot. You might want to check your thermometer for accuracy.

Bypassing or adjusting the thermostat to a higher temperature on any heater can lead to injury or, in some cases death, in a spa. Don't do it.

05-10-2006, 12:30 PM
104 not hot enough? Wow. I hope you don't stay in that long at that temp.

05-10-2006, 01:27 PM
Well I used solar to get it up to 103, but yeah the thermometer on the system might not be calibrated properly. Once I get the propane working I'll fire the system and use the heater at 104 and see how hot it is. It might be hot enough, assuming the pool thermometer isn't accurate and my 103 was really more like 100 or 101.

05-18-2006, 09:14 AM
Well, I figured out a workaround. My system has the ability to "calibrate" the thermistor readings. I "told" the system that 104 was really 100, so it will now heat the spa up to 108 which was too hot for me. 104 is really about as hot as I like so I guess it's perfect where it is ;-) but it's nice to know if I need to relax in the spa AND steam some vegetables, I can :)