View Full Version : Best time to add bleach

06-29-2011, 02:30 PM
After reviewing allot of great information from the forum I decided to begin the BBB method of caring for my pool. Ordered the Taylor K2006 test kit and began adding borox to raise ph and bleach to raise chlorine levels.

When is the best time to add bleach? How long after adding the bleach should I wait to test again?

Thanks for all the information.

06-29-2011, 05:34 PM
If the pool needs clearing up, then add the bleach several times daily. If the pool is clear and you're just talking about the maintenance dose, then it's best to add it in the evening, if you can--that way it has all night to sanitize water without consumption by the sun. I would wait an hour or so with the pump running to test for chlorine after adding bleach--just need to give it enough time to thoroughly mix in the water.
