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View Full Version : Algae ??

05-09-2006, 08:55 PM
32K Gallon Liner Pool
Using Bleach
PS233 Indicates Everything is right on
FC= 6.0
CC= 0

I kept these setting constant for days so I am confused at what this stuff that keeps showing up on the bottom of the pool a couple of days after cleaning. Most recently I tried to vacume it out to wast and it still reappeared. Can algae grow with these readings ? I hope the attached picture shows it good enough.


05-09-2006, 10:08 PM
Shock your pool up to about 15 and try and hold it there for a few days. Test 3x a day if you can and each time, add enough bleach to take it back up to shock level. You may just have something that you haven't killed yet and that is why it keeps coming back. If you'll look at the chart at the following link, you'll see that a FC of 6 is on the low side of the range that you should be keeping it at with a cya of 60. Hope this helps.


05-10-2006, 07:59 AM
Great !!

So do you think it is Algae with the pool so clear ?

05-10-2006, 08:31 AM
Great !!

So do you think it is Algae with the pool so clear ?

No. But that's just guessing. Green algae is typically suspended.

I like watermom's idea of shocking.....it's a cheap fix, and the results will be obvious. If it's still there after the shock, figure a way to get some out of the water and feel it brtween your fingers. If it's gritty, It's not algae. If it's slimy...it is almost surely organic but it sure doesn't look like algae. :)