View Full Version : Ok to fill pool using well water?

06-18-2011, 03:30 PM
Hi everyone, I just purchased an intex pool (12'x36''). I'm working on getting the ground level before installing it. Once that is done, would it be ok to use well water to fill it up? I've never installed a pool before. My main concern is overworking the pump and also it's about 1800 gallons of water....is there risk of it going dry? Thanks.

06-18-2011, 04:24 PM
Does your well water have metals (iron or manganese) in it? That's the critical question.

Regarding your well going dry, you are the only one with access to that sort of information. Filling an 1800 gallon pool could certainly overload some wells.

06-18-2011, 05:21 PM
We use our well to refill/replace water in the pool. We run it 2 hours (the well pump puts out 4 gpm) and then shut it off. If we need more water, we wait 6 hours and run it another hour. We ran the well dry one year after planting 23 White Pine which had to be watered. Not doing that again!

06-19-2011, 11:45 PM
Welcome to the forum Dan,
I initially filled my 22K gallon from a single well in 1997 and the only problem I had was silt and mud from sucking so much from the well. Tt is easiest on a well pump if you run it continuously assuming you don't run the well dry. I ran three garden hoses right from the pressure tank so the pump never shut down. Cycling is what kills well pumps. I filled mine in the fall so it had all winter to let the muck settle. If you're gonna do this save a bunch of drinking water ahead of time in case you stir things up. I don't use my wells for the pool now but top off from a small stream. I guess I was lucky in that I never checked for metals and never had a problem with the initial fill.