View Full Version : About to build a IG pool......just a bit nervous!

06-14-2011, 10:35 PM
Hi all,

This is my first post to this forum but I've been reading here a good bit and reading about pools on other sites too in an effort to become an informed consumer.

My wife has been after me a bit for just over a year now to consider building an IG pool in our yard. Actually last year we did call out a respected pool builder in our area for an estimate and we told him what would be of interest to us but he wasn't interested in working with us because he didn't like to do pools that were straight lined and only wanted to do free-form stuff and we never heard back from him. Well I thought the pool issue was done then but it has reared it's head again this year. We talked to another pool builder this past week and he is working on a quote for us but when he comes back with his design and equipment specs, etc I want to be as informed as possible so I'm researching a lot! This particular pool builder has been in business since '77 and I've seen some of his work….it looks really good.

We have requested an IG gunite design that will be about 27' long and 14' wide and go from 3ish feet deep to 7 feet deep. I estimate about 14500 gallons give or take a bit.

Here is what I'm thinking so far:

Cartridge filter
2" pvc plumbing throughout with no harsh angles to minimize resistance.
3/4HP - 1HP 2 speed or variable speed pump for 30 GPM 8 Hour Turn Over of pool volume.
Pebble Tec or similar interior surface (wife wants a dark water color)
Chlorine or SW Chlorine Generation
Automated cleaning device.
Interior Pool Light (LED)
Some type of decorative water return (not a rock waterfall)
substantial amount of concrete decking

Don't Wants:
No heat
No diving boards

I've been leaning a bit toward traditional chlorine purification because of the scary saltwater corrosive issues I've been hearing bad things about.

If any of you experienced pool owners/builders would be willing to offer suggestions based on what works and your experience it would be really appreciated. I did ask the builder about things like rebar size, etc (he said mix of 1/2 inch and 3/8 inch rebar)….but I know there is much more to it than that!

Thanks so much!


06-15-2011, 09:48 AM
Hi and welcome. I am not a builder so am not going to be able to comment on much of your post. Just a comment and a question from me. Definitely go with chlorine. Don't let anyone talk you into doing Baquacil or any of the mineral type systems. Also, wondering what makes you lean towards a cartridge filter? Just curiosity on my part.

Hopefully one of our builder types will chime in here later today to offer any advice they can.

06-15-2011, 07:07 PM
Hi BS;

You might want to look at Ben Choi's site, www.howibuiltmyownpool.com

He build a pool himself after being active here for a year or so, and then started the website. The site is not actively maintained any more, but he kept meticulous records which you might find informative. He's also in the SW - Arizona - though I forget which city.

You've obviously thought about your pool from a technical view point; I'd encourage you to think about it from a user's point of view. For example, dark pools can look very dramatic, but will be significantly hotter. When I painted the pool the Camp Adahi Girl Scout camp on Lookout Mountain a dark "Viking Blue", the temperatures increased 4 - 7 degrees. That was a good thing, up there in that shady location. But if you are in, say, Phoenix you'll be gaining more like 6 - 10 degrees . . . and you may not want to have 100 degree pool in July!

That's just a start . . .


06-15-2011, 10:49 PM

I'm thinking cartridge because of lower maint in that there would be no frequent back washing. Though I may be wrong it is my understanding that the cartridge filter is not much more expensive but does require a bit less attention.

Pool Doc,

I'm in North TX and my pool spot would see about 3-4 hours a day of direct sunlight....would that cause heating issues? My wife is pretty set on a dark bluish color.


06-15-2011, 11:03 PM
3 - 4 hours of direct sun daily? Yeah, you can probably count on 6 degrees or more. Is that a problem? Depends on how warm you like your pool.

It will increase algal growth rates, so you'll need to stay on top of the chemistry.


06-16-2011, 09:44 AM
Hey B.S.

A couple of key words here have my red flag flying.
1. Automated cleaning device
2. Lower maint.

Both of these wish list items may seem like minor items now but when the pool is in you will find that they won’t deliver.

A pool takes time and a new pool owner can get in trouble fast, end up with a swamp and their post count soars.

As an experienced pool servant I know what can go bad if you leave things like “cleaning”, to robots, and assume a low maintenance device won’t need attention.

I am not trying to put you off at all. A pool is a wonderful thing but they need a lot of attention and care.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure applies in earnest when it comes to pool care.

From your OP I believe you are on the right track and doing all the right research in the planning and decisions department. But be prepared to spend the time to keep your new baby happy.

Best of luck.

06-16-2011, 12:16 PM
Also, wondering what makes you lean towards a cartridge filter? Just curiosity on my part.

I'm curious to see if pooldoc or anyone has an opinion here. I could have sworn I'd seen him give praise to decent cartridge filters; but in general the forum mods seem to like sand/de? Is one really better than the other (intex cheapie cartridge stuff notwithstanding)?

06-16-2011, 10:19 PM
I'm not opposed to a sand filter if the maint is similar to a cartridge I've also not researched DE. I've used Diatomaceous Earth filters in my aquaria before and they were very effective. But I do like the notion of pulling a cartridge out of the filter cleaning it and putting it back in. Maybe I like the notion because of my many decades of keeping aquaria and it seems familiar.

I'm thinking that the dark color will stay though because while the pool will be used for swimming it will also be an integral design component of our back yard "living / entertaining space" and design/color are big issues to my wife. Me too to a point. But a bit warmer pool will be of benefit in early spring and late fall and will probably extend our swim season a bit too...eh?

I'm guessing by the post just above that there is a brand called "Intex" that is not too well respected....correct? What brands of cartridge filters are good quality? Also DE how does it work compared to sand and cartridge filters?

Thank you all so much for you valuable input and opinions.

06-17-2011, 07:29 AM
If memory serves, DE will filter blood. May be hype, I don’t know.

My DE filter was in place when I bought the house so I never knew any better. If does a fine job of filtering but there is a mess factor when back flushing or cleaning.

I started using an old bed sheet taped to the back flush hose to catch the old DE. I threw the sheet away but I recently heard that DE can be used to repel insects.

So, it could have a second life sprinkled around your foundation. Maybe that is what is in Seven Dust. Hmm..

06-17-2011, 12:02 PM
Why no heat? Even in TX, that will severely shorten your season.

06-17-2011, 01:24 PM
Why no heat? Even in TX, that will severely shorten your season.

I don't know about that--in Northwest Louisiana, our swim season is already late April through late September or early October, and I would think he's in a hotter climate than we are......


06-17-2011, 11:05 PM
I don't see us having heat because 1. we don't have access to natural gas as I'm in a rural area and 2. I don't think electric heat would be that effective and 3. I don't really want to pay the $$$ in utility costs. 4. I also don't see us covering the pool which would be a must if heating it. The pool will be immediately off of our large covered back porch and will be quite viewable from most rooms in our house. The rear of our house is very very glassy and the pool would remain running all year round but we would have a swimming season of late March thru October. So to me, the pool for those 4 to 5 months of no swimming, would have to be for aesthetic function only.

I'm really curious to see what this pool guy will do with my design. I penned up a design I wanted him to bid but I also told him to use his experience and design skill to take my design and run with it a bit. I think we'll hear back from him next Monday or so.