View Full Version : Lots of air in pump?

06-04-2011, 06:40 PM
Hi, I had the pool people come back and look at the pool......now I was told there is alot of air in the pump.There is alot of bubbles coming out of the jets. We took the clear glass "thingie" off of the sand filter and so much air came out.
Does anyone know why there is alot of air in my pump? Is there anything I can do? When I backwash there is no water in the pump. It all goes out.
I had my pool opened by the new people that my pool person hired to help. I had no trouble last year.
Thanks in advance.

06-04-2011, 06:49 PM
The air is coming from somewhere, and obviously it's not supposed to be in the system. I'd start with the easy things, like checking the seal on the top of your pump strainer basket, the multiport gasket, and the pressure gauge and sight glass, and tightening the drain plug on the bottom of your filter and the knob on top. Beyond that, sounds like you may have a leak in the line somewhere, but I'll need to let the equipment experts weigh in on that one...


06-04-2011, 08:39 PM
Is this a bad thing?? Will it hurt my system having the air?? I cant seem to pinpoint the problem