View Full Version : Sheik Yerbouti's Thread - New pool owner with Pool Frog System

05-31-2011, 03:13 PM
I put in a 27' UG pool last season and opted for the Pool Frog Mineral System. Seemed ok last year but I feel that not all the proper water levels are being handled by this system.
Does anyone have experience using it? Any tips or tricks on opimizing it?

05-31-2011, 06:35 PM
. . . and opted for the Pool Frog Mineral System. . . . I feel that not all the proper water levels are being handled by this system.

We're right there with you -- neither I, nor any of the moderators, nor any of our experienced users think it 'handles' "all the proper water levels". In fact most of us don't think it handles ANY of the proper water levels, and that the best thing you can do with it is throw it away.

It's just another copper system. I'm moving this thread to the copper and 'mineral' section -- please take a look at the guides in this section.
