View Full Version : DE filter/cloudy water

05-17-2011, 05:01 PM
I have been reading the forum for some help with my problem. The pressure jumps up after about 30 minutes of running and at startup I can see some cloudy water getting in the pool and after a few seconds it clears up. PLEASE HELP

05-17-2011, 07:56 PM
Hi, and welcome to the forum!!

I'm afraid we'll need a bit more information. First of all, I'm not sure I understand the problem--is it cloudy water, or a filter issue? When you say you see some cloudy water getting in the pool, I'm assuming you mean from the returns? Does it happen just on startup or the whole time it's running? What what size pump, and what size pool do you have? Is this a new problem? Also, what are the chem levels for Chlorine, pH, alk, calcium, and CYA?
