View Full Version : Resurfacing a plaster/gunite pool with fiberglass

05-05-2011, 04:12 PM
We are located in the Dallas Fort Worth area. We have a ~ 13,000 gallon in-ground plaster over gunite pool, which is 20 - 30 years old. There are several hairline cracks, but none are leaking. We do; however, have a leak, which we believe is in the pipe connecting the bottom main drain to the skimmer. We're not certain but we presume that the cause is our north Texas soils as they tend to move minimally over time.

We are in the process of getting remodeling quotes. We came across fiberglass as a resurfacing material. Fiberglass resurfacing seems to have many advantages. Does anyone know the disadvantages of using fiberglass to resurface over plaster? Fiberglass comes with a ten-year warranty and is little over $4K. Plaster ranges from right under $3K to $3.5K and comes with a one-year warranty.

Thanks so much!

05-05-2011, 09:30 PM
When fiber-glassing began to be promoted 15 - 20 years ago, companies that were *2* or *3* years old, were offering *50* year warranties. I don't think any of those companies are still in business. Basically, any warranty offered by a company that's not at least 2x as old as the warranty is long . . . is a bogus warranty!

Do NOT buy fiberglass based on a meaningless warranty.

Instead, check past results. Ask your contractors for a list of 4 pools they've done, going back 5 years. CHECK THOSE POOLS OUT! Shysters will give you a bogus list, knowing most people won't do the leg work and actually check the results.

Both plaster and fiberglassing *can* work well. Whether they *do* work well, depends a great deal on the installer.

Good luck!


05-06-2011, 03:41 PM
Thanks for the help! Good idea - we will make sure to inquire into past work as you suggest.

Much appreciated.

05-28-2013, 07:43 PM
Agree with pool doc - depends who is doing the work. Out neighbor tried the fiberglass over plaster... lasted about 6 months, repaired it and then big failure after about 2 years.