View Full Version : gravel in sand

04-16-2011, 02:04 PM
We are changing the sand in our filter. Should there be gravel in with the sand. The old sand we are pulling out has gravel. Should we add the gravel back in with the new sand? Thank you.

04-16-2011, 09:33 PM
You just need sand. Make sure it is pool sand and not play sand like you put in a child's sandbox.

04-25-2011, 09:53 AM
Actually, Watermom, many filter instructions call for gravel up to an inch or two above the laterals. Having it there improves water distribution. But gravel can be in the filter sand, because the gravel at the bottom got mixed with the sand on the top . . . or it can be because it was crummy ungraded sand.

If you find that there is mostly gravel at the bottom, you can just put that back in.

Either way, make sure that water covers your laterals, to reduce the impact when you start pouring sand or gravel back in.


04-25-2011, 07:24 PM
I, personally, prefer pea gravel around the laterals (I can think of 2 obvious reasons).

Like Ben said, have water in the tank to lessen the stress on the laterals, I like to have the tank ~1/2 filled before adding gravel or sand.

When you put in the gravel and/ or sand, BE SURE TO COVER THE STAND PIPE AND HAVE IT CENTERED,BEFORE you add it!!