View Full Version : Salt Cell Replacement

09-14-2010, 03:48 PM
I ordered a replacement cell for my Ecomatic SWCG from Pool Supply World back in June of this year. Over the weekend the flange that screws the cell onto the housing cracked and then broke off. I sent an email to Pool Supply World and they responded quickly with a reply that I have to work with Compu Pool to get it replaced since they are the manufacturer.

I sent Compu Pool and email on Saturday and when I did not hear back from them buy mid day Monday, I called them and left a voice mail with my info. Today I called them again and again got voice mail. Have not heard anything from them.

I'm not able to run my pump / filter until I get the cell replaced. Anyone have any experience with this company? Can I expect a speedy resolution to my issue?

I'll start adding bleach and brushing to stir it up but with 85* water, I doubt I will have good results for long.

09-15-2010, 08:18 PM
Ugh... after sending emails and calling multiple times I get this email in reply:

Please Contact
Compu Pool Products USA Inc.
Tel: 888-989-7258
Email: compupoolusa@aol.com

Well DUH !! That is what I have done ... this does not look like I will get anywhere. When i called back today I nicely explained to the girl that answered that I was not making any progress and could she get me to a real person in the warranty department instead of an voice mail. She gave me the same speech I have heard before, "they are very busy this time of day, leave your contact information and they will call you back".....

Very frustrating.


09-16-2010, 11:48 AM
Well, in case anyone is following this. I sent an email to the sales area asking them to please forward it to someone that can resolve my issue and within 10 minutes I had a call from the Warranty dept telling me they are shipping me a new cell today with a UPS label to use to return the broken one.

Sometimes you just have to make a lot of noise to get what you need :D

09-24-2010, 12:57 PM
Well, in case anyone cares :D

It's more than a week later since I got the call from Compu Pool telling me they were sending me a new cell and it has not arrived. I've called a couple times this week but always get the voice mail system and no reply. So, this morning I sent an email to Pool Supply World asking for advice on what to do to get some attention from Compu Pool and a very nice lady just called me to let me know she was going to be calling Compu Pool as soon as the staff returned from lunch.

We'll see what happens, film at 11 :)

09-26-2010, 01:15 PM
I care!! :)

Please keep us updated on how things are going--maybe this will help somebody else skip some of the red tape if they find themselves in your situation. I hope they resolve it quickly.......


09-27-2010, 11:23 AM
Sarah from Pool Supply World called me back on Friday and said she talked to Compu Pool and the cells were out of stock and they expect a shipment this week.

The lesson I've learned here is that Pool Supply World's customer service is awesome and Compu Pool's sucks.

I hope this is not a design flaw with the replacement cells.

09-28-2010, 02:16 AM
Please clarify, is this one of the Compu Pool generic replacement cells for your Ecomatic system?

09-28-2010, 12:25 PM
Yes .


10-06-2010, 02:23 PM
New cell arrived and has been installed. I was getting tired of adding bleach ;)

We'll see how long it last or if I have another problem with it breaking at the flange.

10-07-2010, 03:08 PM
Glad you've got it fixed and working, here's hoping for a long cell life! :)
