View Full Version : powdered chlorine vs liquid

08-23-2010, 03:10 PM
I spent 20 years successfully caring for my own pool while living in SW Florida. I have lived in Texas now for 4 years and have been equally successful at maintaining our in ground DE pool. In Florida, I used muratic acid on a regular basis along with liquid chlorine and tablets in the chlorinator and a simple paper filtered system. Here in Ft Worth, I have only used the granular shock & chlorine tablets in a floater and the DE filter system. My question is this; Why haven't I seen those yellow plastic chlorine containers here?

08-23-2010, 07:56 PM
You can substitute bleach for that liquid chlorine, because it's the same thing. 6% LC is no different than 6% "Ultra" bleach other than the package.

08-24-2010, 05:11 PM
I don't know about Texas, but in Louisiana it's illegal to sell the 10 or 12% liquid chlorine that many folks buy, so it's either granular, tabs, or bleach around here.


09-05-2010, 08:23 AM
All states have stupid laws that nobody can explain.

We have a law in NJ that it's illegal to pump your own gas, that some nitwit who doesn't care if he spills gas down the car's side panel, over-fills it so it wrecks the new electronic sensors, and then tries to short-change you, is somehow more qualified and safer to pump gas than me, who knows these things.

09-10-2010, 12:09 PM
I always wondered about that in NJ....plus you're gas is about 30 cents cheaper in NY and I have to pump it to boot:confused:

Funny story, I know off topic, but we just went down to Ft Lee for a wedding and of course I stop to fill 'er up...I forgot about the no pumping allowed and was wondering why I had 10 or so folks staring at me from their cars:confused:...then it hit me...oh yeah, I'm not supposed to pump my own gas in NJ.:eek:

09-10-2010, 10:12 PM
Funnier yet is when the qualified person that's allowed to pump your gas is standing there smoking. Seen that many times when I lived in that state.

09-11-2010, 02:07 AM
My understanding (I could be wrong) is that part of the reason gas costs less here in NJ is that it costs more to insure a "self serve" gas station than a "professionally serviced" station. In summary: the nit-wits who pump gas professionally are better at gas pumping than the occaisional nit-wit who tries to pump his own gas but forgets what he's doing and drives away with the nozzle still in his tank (casing a fire that burns down the entire station). I also understand that gas here costs less because we have refineries.

09-11-2010, 12:01 PM
I also understand that gas here costs less because we have refineries.

Yeah, well, we have an ocean full of the stuff and our gas prices didn't fall! :rolleyes:


09-11-2010, 08:27 PM
Funnier yet is when the qualified person that's allowed to pump your gas is standing there smoking. Seen that many times when I lived in that state.

I never see that for long--I drive away before he gets to MY car....How blinkin' stupid can a person be and still have enough brain power to keep the heart beating?

I don't know why it's cheaper here (it doesn't feel cheap at $2.99/gal for 93) but the stations don't set the price. I believe we also don't tax it as much as New York.