View Full Version : Noisy pump

08-09-2010, 08:51 AM
We recently had our pump motor replaced. The new one is a Century/Centurion B848 after about a week, it started making a noise, almost like a bearing.Pool store repairman came by and listened to it. He agreed that it was noisy, but didn't think it was a bearing. We took motor back to pool store, where it was hooked up and did not make the noise. Therefore, they said there was nothing wrong with the pump and maybe it was a problem with our wiring. Any advice? The warranty only lasts for a pool season, which will end soon. We don't want to be stuck with buying another motor next year.

08-09-2010, 08:26 PM
Did they happen to test the motor without water in the pump or without the wet end attached? Testing without a load would have much different operating characteristics than with a load so the problem may only appear under load.

08-10-2010, 12:17 AM
I agree with Mark. Also, wiring wouldn't make a pump get noisy. Can you give any better description of the noise? Such as squealing, grinding, a little rough, hum? Does the noise get better or worse as the pump heats up from a cold start? Try checking it first thing in the morning after cooling all night. Something you may try at home is to open the pump basket lid and let the water drain out and power it up dry. This should unload it like they probably did in the store. If it's an AG pool you'll have to plug the hoses somehow to keep the pool water from flowing into the chamber. Chamber doesn't have to be perfectly dry, wet is fine, just no solid charge of water to move.

Edit: Just thought of something else. Was the motor new or a rebuilt? I know you said new but just want to make sure. Unlikely a new bearing would start to fail this early but if the motor was rebuilt then they may not have replaced the bearings. However, new bearings do fail sometimes. It's called infant mortality in the design field.

08-11-2010, 09:12 PM
The motor is brand new. It is hard to describe the noise, but it is similar to the noise the old motor made when a bearing went out. It sort of sounds like a shaft is wobbling- a rRr, rRr. We tested it without a load here at home and it made the same noise. For some reason, it did not do the same at the pool store. I do not understand why the pool store is balking at replacing the motor. It is still under warranty and I would think that just the fact that we are unhappy with the way it sounds would be a reason to give us a new one. I don't want to wait until next summer, have it quit working ,and have to pay for another new one. Unfortunately the motor was made in China.
Thanks for your help.

08-12-2010, 01:10 PM
From what you are describing it does sound like a bearing that is starting to fail OR most likely a poor quality bearing. I'm wondering if the difference between the pool store test and yours at home is the mount. At home is it mounted to something that could act as a sounding board and in a way make the noise more noticeable? In any case since you are unhappy with it they should make good on the warranty. Should be nothing out of their pocket. Keep complaining if they keep balking. If you get as loud as that motor they will eventually pay attention. Sorry I couldn't be any more help.

08-12-2010, 03:32 PM
Another possibility is that when the motor was replaced, either the seal was damaged or put in backwards. Unfortunately, the only way to tell would be to disassemble the motor from the wet end and inspect the seal. Plus you could then run the motor without the seal and impeller to see if the noise still exists. But only do this if you are familiar with taking apart pumps otherwise get a professional to do it.

08-13-2010, 10:06 AM
We recently had our pump motor replaced. The new one is a Century/Centurion B848 after about a week, it started making a noise, almost like a bearing.Pool store repairman came by and listened to it. He agreed that it was noisy, but didn't think it was a bearing. We took motor back to pool store, where it was hooked up and did not make the noise. Therefore, they said there was nothing wrong with the pump and maybe it was a problem with our wiring. Any advice? The warranty only lasts for a pool season, which will end soon. We don't want to be stuck with buying another motor next year.
My new, this season, Hayward SuperPump started making a loud whiring noise. The front seal leaked and contaminated the lubricant for the front bearing. It seems that Hayward no longer reinforces the seals with Silicone. My previous Hayward pump lasted over 18 years.