View Full Version : Is deeper better?

05-03-2006, 06:57 AM
I always assumed deeper was better..more fun, non-kiddie-poolish, etc. But after thinking it over, it might be better to have a pool that is one depth, lower than the height of my family members, so people could actually stand in the pool, play volley ball, etc. On the other hand, I'm not even sure if AG pools can be partially in-ground anyway, to create a deep (but non-diving) end. So those of you with experience -- what do you feel is a good rule of thumb for deciding pool depth? Any regrets?



05-03-2006, 07:23 AM
We decided against one due to our high water table in our yard (digging issues) and, even though it is not for diving, I have teenagers so I feel it would just encourage them to try it anyways.

They do make "deep end" liners that allow you to have one end at up to 6' deep. It IS intended to be non-diving. Check the different pool mfg to see which brands/models are intended to be used with the deep end liners because you will generally get good instructions there. The ovals with deep end require a bit of extra work due to the straps the run underneath so modifications must be made.

It is a personal preference issue and you need to decide what the pool will be used for, as you said volleyball, etc? or something else.

05-03-2006, 09:36 AM
Our AG is 4' deep, but has a 5' 6" deep end options that's a hopper--an 11'x14' flat-bottomed area. The manufacturer will also sell you a liner that goes to 7'6" but it's more cone-shaped. Neither is for diving. I can stand in the deep end (I'm 5' 10") comfortably, but it's up to my neck.

And it's deep enough to dunk a kid without him hitting bottom!:D

05-03-2006, 12:13 PM
Doughboy pools have the expandable liner option but I decided against it for 2 reasons - it cost more money and it is nearly impossible to dig in my yard without hittings rocks so the thought of having to dig 1 to 2 feet down was not encouraging. (And also I would have to figure out what to do with the likely-poor quality dirt afterward.)

One benefit of the one-depth pool is you can use an automatic cleaner like the Hayward Aquabug. I don't know if this would work in a multi-depth pool so if not, a more expensive robotic cleaner would be needed.