View Full Version : Liquid Chlorine dosing pump

06-29-2010, 08:27 PM
Has anyone seen an automatic liquid chlorine dosing system. I am thinking of installing an injection quill with a simple chemical feed pump to dose the chlorine so you are not dumping chlorine in the pool every day.


06-29-2010, 09:09 PM
Dosing liquid chlorine works fine. I did just that with large commercial pools for 15 years, to the point of using a tractor trailer load of bleach every week.

Unfortunately, there are some those nasty little details that make it more complex than it seems at first. For example, when you use either a peristaltic or diaphragm pump, you end up pressurizing high strength bleach. Now bleach is a pretty safe chemical in many ways, but you don't want it in your eyes. A leaking diaphragm pump can generate an invisible stream, with each cycle, that will squirt in your eyes before you even realize there's a leak.

I eventually developed a feed system that I considered safe and maintainable, but it took me 10 years, and involved using some exotic materials, like clear Teflon sight tubes and Kynar fittings. None of this is off the shelf stuff. It was a good design, but there's not enough market to make it worth trying to sell to others: it STILL requires better trained staff than most pools have available.

If you want to do it, you can purchase a Blue White peristaltic pump, with Viton feed tubes. And if you replace 100% of the tubing and feed fittings every 3 months, you'll be OK.

Otherwise, you are risking real problems.


06-30-2010, 07:50 AM
Another option is something called the Liquidator. I think it may have been one of the best things I have bought for my pool. I usually only have to add chlorine to it once or every other week. Makes adding liquid chlorine to a pool a breeze.

There is also a mod you can do which gives it a much better flow rate. It involves replacing the small supplies tubing with a larger 3/8" size.

[flyboy320 -- find a link for liquidator info please. I'm not going to block links to TFP articles, as one poster feared yesterday. But, I don't want to promote their site wholesale, either. PoolDoc]

As PoolDoc pointed out links to TFP are OK, thanks PoolDoc. So here is a thread about the 3/8" mod if your interested;


Here is an article on TFP about building a chlorine injector;


06-30-2010, 09:13 AM
We use a chlorine injection system to treat our well water. You might check with a plumbing company.