- Cloudy... but clean
- Water/Chemicals (Newbie)
- Water Temp
- Pool Questions
- My Pool Looks Like An EASTER EGG!!! -- NOT a good thing!
- Free Chlorine problem
- Help to clean your water
- New Pool Owner
- Tds
- clorox
- Quick Question About pH DROPPING???
- e-z pool???
- Petrolium Product Floating on Water
- Phos-Away and Pool Pizazz newby questions
- Pool has nice, greeen tint to it?
- Water cycle
- Evaporation
- Overwhelmed with pool chemistry
- Test chlorin strength?
- Clorine Lock
- New Pool Water Has Funny Taste
- From green to cloudy!
- Big problem
- Pool store plug
- Phosphate kit accuracy?
- Sodium Tetraborate
- Miraclear Clarifier
- What should I do with the Copper Ionizer?
- Cloudy Water
- Warm pool at night with steam/vapor?!?!
- Oil Slick in the Pool - what to do?
- water still cloudy
- Ph color not on the scale
- Heavy rain maintenance
- Why is sulfuric acid not so good for plaster pools?
- ProTeam Supreme
- Also have cloudy water (with a story)
- regular maintenance help
- Is there a grocery store substitute for PH reducer?
- Replacing water to get rid of CYA
- City or well for fill water
- Bleach? I've also got cloudy water
- New User - Green Water
- Solar pill
- Contacting Administrator
- 3" Black line around pool
- Sequestrant/Scale Inhibitor for agg. finish?
- Where can I find BaquaPure Water Polishing Disks
- is dead algae white
- Getting itching rashes after swimming
- Phosphoric acid & pH
- Adding sodium bicarbonate AND calcium chloride at the same time
- Can't get a reading for CH level.
- TDS or other stuff?
- Any Use for Hydrogen Peroxide
- post winter scale on replastered pool
- chemical problems
- Black Algae, Chlorinator
- Hot tub warning!
- Brand new in-ground pool is cloudy, pH is high, chlorine is low
- Cloudy water after swimming???
- hurricane & pools
- Plasticizers, acrylics, and water
- poo poo in the pool
- Musty Smell...
- Quantiy of CYA 14K IG fiberglass pool?????
- Cloudy Water...Please Help! Here are my readings!
- Opening Question
- Very Interesting Problem
- Slightly Cloudy
- Test Results - Cloudy Water
- PH is ok, Total alk is high
- tydy bowl blue water
- pool green - chemical imbalance?
- hard water, need help
- Best way to remove Calcium Deposits
- HELP!! Greenish/brownish pool...just filled it!
- Another cloudy water problem
- Swimmers Ear
- CA level an issue with Fiberglass
- Pool Store Questions
- frustrating cloudy water - pulling my hair out
- New Owner - Need Help-- Please
- CC reading
- Muriatic Acid replacement ...is this safe?
- blue water
- Avoding Rust Problems
- cloudy water
- cloudy water, please help a newbie :)
- Heat, sunlight & muriatic acid
- what is this in the bottom of my pool?
- Argggghhhh!!!
- water problems
- High Phosphate 2500 - Options?
- Concrete decking sealer in pool water
- Sandy pool
- cloudy water
- Cya
- pH--soda ash vs baking soda
- Shelf Life of CYA