View Full Version : Pool Chemicals & Pool Water Problems

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  1. Cloudy... but clean
  2. Water/Chemicals (Newbie)
  3. Water Temp
  4. Pool Questions
  5. My Pool Looks Like An EASTER EGG!!! -- NOT a good thing!
  6. Free Chlorine problem
  7. Help to clean your water
  8. New Pool Owner
  9. Tds
  10. clorox
  11. Quick Question About pH DROPPING???
  12. e-z pool???
  13. Petrolium Product Floating on Water
  14. Phos-Away and Pool Pizazz newby questions
  15. Pool has nice, greeen tint to it?
  16. Water cycle
  17. Evaporation
  18. Overwhelmed with pool chemistry
  19. Test chlorin strength?
  20. Clorine Lock
  21. New Pool Water Has Funny Taste
  22. From green to cloudy!
  23. Big problem
  24. Pool store plug
  25. Phosphate kit accuracy?
  26. Sodium Tetraborate
  27. Miraclear Clarifier
  28. What should I do with the Copper Ionizer?
  29. Cloudy Water
  30. Warm pool at night with steam/vapor?!?!
  31. Oil Slick in the Pool - what to do?
  32. water still cloudy
  33. Ph color not on the scale
  34. Heavy rain maintenance
  35. Why is sulfuric acid not so good for plaster pools?
  36. ProTeam Supreme
  37. Also have cloudy water (with a story)
  38. regular maintenance help
  39. Is there a grocery store substitute for PH reducer?
  40. Replacing water to get rid of CYA
  41. City or well for fill water
  42. Bleach? I've also got cloudy water
  43. New User - Green Water
  44. Solar pill
  45. Contacting Administrator
  46. 3" Black line around pool
  47. Sequestrant/Scale Inhibitor for agg. finish?
  48. Where can I find BaquaPure Water Polishing Disks
  49. is dead algae white
  50. Getting itching rashes after swimming
  51. Phosphoric acid & pH
  52. Adding sodium bicarbonate AND calcium chloride at the same time
  53. Can't get a reading for CH level.
  54. TDS or other stuff?
  55. Any Use for Hydrogen Peroxide
  56. post winter scale on replastered pool
  57. chemical problems
  58. Black Algae, Chlorinator
  59. Hot tub warning!
  60. Brand new in-ground pool is cloudy, pH is high, chlorine is low
  61. Cloudy water after swimming???
  62. hurricane & pools
  63. Plasticizers, acrylics, and water
  64. poo poo in the pool
  65. Musty Smell...
  66. Quantiy of CYA 14K IG fiberglass pool?????
  67. Cloudy Water...Please Help! Here are my readings!
  68. Opening Question
  69. Very Interesting Problem
  70. Slightly Cloudy
  71. Test Results - Cloudy Water
  72. PH is ok, Total alk is high
  73. tydy bowl blue water
  74. pool green - chemical imbalance?
  75. hard water, need help
  76. Best way to remove Calcium Deposits
  77. HELP!! Greenish/brownish pool...just filled it!
  78. Another cloudy water problem
  79. Swimmers Ear
  80. CA level an issue with Fiberglass
  81. Pool Store Questions
  82. frustrating cloudy water - pulling my hair out
  83. New Owner - Need Help-- Please
  84. CC reading
  85. Muriatic Acid replacement ...is this safe?
  86. blue water
  87. Avoding Rust Problems
  88. cloudy water
  89. cloudy water, please help a newbie :)
  90. Heat, sunlight & muriatic acid
  91. what is this in the bottom of my pool?
  92. Argggghhhh!!!
  93. water problems
  94. High Phosphate 2500 - Options?
  95. Concrete decking sealer in pool water
  96. Sandy pool
  97. cloudy water
  98. Cya
  99. pH--soda ash vs baking soda
  100. Shelf Life of CYA