- FAQ: Using or removing PHMB (Baquacil, etc.)
- Baquacil to Chlorine Conversion - Start to Finish
- Pictures of Baquacil conversion
- Softswim to Chlorine Conversion ??
- Pristine Blue
- Baquacil usage?
- Baquacil to Chlorine Conversion
- softswim to chlorine
- Weekend Baquacil Conversion
- Problem with conversion from Baquacil! Please Help!!
- Baquacil to Chlorine - something wrong
- Thank you so much....have question....
- Converting Baquacil to Bleach
- Liner question??
- New - Need your help w/my baquacil to chlorine conversion
- New liner question....
- Pristine Blue to Chlorine?
- Softswim to Chlorine this Spring
- Pictures of my pool during the week I converted to chlorine (bleach).
- Converting to BBB from Clear Comfort??
- Ahhhhh conversion complete...LOL now what??
- Ahhhh conversion complete....LOL now what??
- Started my conversion to BBB this morning.
- Success Story!!!
- Baquacil
- Green pool, bad chemistry
- conversion in process
- coversion complete still slight haze to water
- conversion progress report
- pristine blue??
- Pristine Blue??
- Baquagoo???
- Baquacil and Algae
- Converting Baquacil to Chlorine
- Hate baquacil; drain pool or convert?
- Help! Too much bleach during conversion!
- Telling baq dealer you want to convert - surprised?
- Baquacil to Chlorine conversion speed
- Baquacil to Bleach conversion (help needed)
- Found this forum too late -- need some guidance on a conversion already begun
- I'm a believer!
- Eclipse 3
- need help w/ my pool.
- not sure pf process
- skimmers & oxidizer's????
- Is Soft-Swim really that bad???
- SoftSwim to Chlorine
- while converting can you swim?
- We're converted BBB'ers
- Just Bought A House with a Baquacil AD System
- can someone give me step by step to change from soft swim to chlorine, please
- What is CLC... Conversion from SoftSwim to Chlorine
- Taking the Plunge - Baquabeast conversion starting
- Pool newbie-- possible baquasil
- Happy with conversion
- bleach calculator
- Converting from Baquacil to Chlorine
- Baquacil in a hot tub
- My eternal gratitude.....I cannot thank you enough
- foam in our pool
- Baquacil to Chlorine Step by Step?
- PristineBlue to BBB?
- Yes/No: Sequestering Agent. Switching from Pristine Blue to BBB.
- To Baquacil or not to Baquacil...that is the question.
- What are the alternatives to bottled bleach?
- Conversion - Baquacil to Chlorine - Disaster!!!!
- Question for "down the road"
- how to convert Baqua to Salt?
- Converting to BBB
- chlorine conversion...problems!
- Beginning the Bacuacil converson
- Yellow slimey stuff?? Please help!!
- Baq-to-Bleach conversion w/cart filter
- words of encouragment!
- Baquacil Conversion to Chlorine
- Converting with DE filter problem
- Success with Baquacil so far
- Will begin conversion-credit at pool store
- Question of Color during Conversion
- Conversion in Spring?
- conversion
- AquaSmarte Delivery System?
- Help! Yes "another" Baquacil user .
- Help.....Im in conversion confusion
- Baquacil Help
- Baqucil Green without converting! Is it time??
- Here it goes again.......Baq to bleach
- Another Baquacil to BBB story!!
- Almost 2 weeks after the conversion
- chemicals that aid conversion?
- testing during conversion
- Frustrated Baquacil Customer
- Scum?
- Bad taste in water and burning eyes
- Mixing different brand biguanide products???
- conversion
- Are we finished?
- Oh My!!! Water Is Clear!!
- I think I almost made a Mistake!!!!
- How to Close To Convert in Spring