View Full Version : Chlorine Alternatives: UV, Ozone, Baquacil (PHMB), etc

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  1. FAQ: Using or removing PHMB (Baquacil, etc.)
  2. Baquacil to Chlorine Conversion - Start to Finish
  3. Pictures of Baquacil conversion
  4. Softswim to Chlorine Conversion ??
  5. Pristine Blue
  6. Baquacil usage?
  7. Baquacil to Chlorine Conversion
  8. softswim to chlorine
  9. Weekend Baquacil Conversion
  10. Problem with conversion from Baquacil! Please Help!!
  11. Baquacil to Chlorine - something wrong
  12. Thank you so much....have question....
  13. Converting Baquacil to Bleach
  14. Liner question??
  15. New - Need your help w/my baquacil to chlorine conversion
  16. New liner question....
  17. Pristine Blue to Chlorine?
  18. Softswim to Chlorine this Spring
  19. Pictures of my pool during the week I converted to chlorine (bleach).
  20. Converting to BBB from Clear Comfort??
  21. Ahhhhh conversion complete...LOL now what??
  22. Ahhhh conversion complete....LOL now what??
  23. Started my conversion to BBB this morning.
  24. Success Story!!!
  25. Baquacil
  26. Green pool, bad chemistry
  27. conversion in process
  28. coversion complete still slight haze to water
  29. conversion progress report
  30. pristine blue??
  31. Pristine Blue??
  32. Baquagoo???
  33. Baquacil and Algae
  34. Converting Baquacil to Chlorine
  35. Hate baquacil; drain pool or convert?
  36. Help! Too much bleach during conversion!
  37. Telling baq dealer you want to convert - surprised?
  38. Baquacil to Chlorine conversion speed
  39. Baquacil to Bleach conversion (help needed)
  40. Found this forum too late -- need some guidance on a conversion already begun
  41. I'm a believer!
  42. Eclipse 3
  43. need help w/ my pool.
  44. not sure pf process
  45. skimmers & oxidizer's????
  46. Is Soft-Swim really that bad???
  47. SoftSwim to Chlorine
  48. while converting can you swim?
  49. We're converted BBB'ers
  50. Just Bought A House with a Baquacil AD System
  51. can someone give me step by step to change from soft swim to chlorine, please
  52. What is CLC... Conversion from SoftSwim to Chlorine
  53. Taking the Plunge - Baquabeast conversion starting
  54. Pool newbie-- possible baquasil
  55. Happy with conversion
  56. bleach calculator
  57. Converting from Baquacil to Chlorine
  58. Baquacil in a hot tub
  59. My eternal gratitude.....I cannot thank you enough
  60. foam in our pool
  61. Baquacil to Chlorine Step by Step?
  62. PristineBlue to BBB?
  63. Yes/No: Sequestering Agent. Switching from Pristine Blue to BBB.
  64. To Baquacil or not to Baquacil...that is the question.
  65. What are the alternatives to bottled bleach?
  66. Conversion - Baquacil to Chlorine - Disaster!!!!
  67. Question for "down the road"
  68. how to convert Baqua to Salt?
  69. Converting to BBB
  70. chlorine conversion...problems!
  71. Beginning the Bacuacil converson
  72. Yellow slimey stuff?? Please help!!
  73. Baq-to-Bleach conversion w/cart filter
  74. words of encouragment!
  75. Baquacil Conversion to Chlorine
  76. Converting with DE filter problem
  77. Success with Baquacil so far
  78. Will begin conversion-credit at pool store
  79. Question of Color during Conversion
  80. Conversion in Spring?
  81. conversion
  82. AquaSmarte Delivery System?
  83. Help! Yes "another" Baquacil user .
  84. Help.....Im in conversion confusion
  85. Baquacil Help
  86. Baqucil Green without converting! Is it time??
  87. Here it goes again.......Baq to bleach
  88. Another Baquacil to BBB story!!
  89. Almost 2 weeks after the conversion
  90. chemicals that aid conversion?
  91. testing during conversion
  92. Frustrated Baquacil Customer
  93. Scum?
  94. Bad taste in water and burning eyes
  95. Mixing different brand biguanide products???
  96. conversion
  97. Are we finished?
  98. Oh My!!! Water Is Clear!!
  99. I think I almost made a Mistake!!!!
  100. How to Close To Convert in Spring