View Full Version : DPD-FAS based testing

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  1. Ps 233
  2. Question about hardness test
  3. 1st test this season
  4. limits of the new test kit? ps234
  5. PS233 test kit and CYA test question
  6. New Gunite Pool startup questions
  7. PS233 for Salt?
  8. 1st test results - CYA down to ZERO?
  9. Opened early
  10. First test of the season, looks pretty good?
  11. Help 1st test results - ZERO?
  12. 233 results vs pool store
  13. What first... 1st Test
  14. Ps234
  15. question about Cal test
  16. Test Results
  17. Is there a drop method for ph?
  18. 2nd Test Results
  19. test strips
  20. How long to wait to retest after adding chemicals?
  21. Look What Showed Up Today???
  22. Just got it! First Results!
  23. Got My 234 Today!
  24. Question on Total Alkalinity Test
  25. ok these are my latest test results
  26. First go with the 234 kit
  27. Got my 234 today...and boy do I need help! (newbie alert)
  28. why salt?
  29. First Results ps234
  30. Just opened, first numbers, where to start?
  31. Pool Opening - PS234 Test
  32. First PS233 results of the season
  33. First results of test kit
  34. How often to do each test?
  35. Water testing for dummies
  36. 2006 1st time PS232 test results, etc...
  37. first pool, first test with the ps234
  38. Another First Test
  39. First Season, First Test with PS234
  40. First test with PS234
  41. Question about the salt test in the PS234s
  42. Opening numbers
  43. The perfect test
  44. Opening test numbers...what do I do now?
  45. DPD powder
  46. Salt results with PS234s
  47. PS234 First Test results... Am I doing this correctly?
  48. DPD-#2 dropper problems
  49. results with PS233 with questions(of course)
  50. First Test Results
  51. Test results - pool is green still
  52. first complete test - does this sound right?
  53. cal and alk off
  54. CYA test, optical illussion??
  55. yellow green H2O
  56. PS234 DPD Reagent #2 Conundrum - Ben?
  57. How Much Bleach ??
  58. What to do with test result water?
  59. Test Results questions
  60. PS234 Kit Salt Option/No Instructions
  61. First Run, Kit arrived today
  62. First test results with the PS234
  63. Important PS234 Info
  64. Distilled water?
  65. First set of results
  66. 1st Test Results with my PS233
  67. New User First Test - Help
  68. first test results
  69. PS234s results (trying to run high pH)
  70. My Results...Do I need to do anything?
  71. New IG vinyl liner - initial results
  72. ps234 test results - first post
  73. First Results PS234 - Please Help!
  74. PS233 test (1st this year)
  75. 1st Time test results
  76. 1st Time Test Results
  77. My first post and first test numbers
  78. Help with 1st PS234 Test Results
  79. CC test question
  80. calculation for borax
  81. Salt test with new kit - problems
  82. Different results with CYA refill?
  83. 1st PS234 Test Results
  84. PS234 kit and tip problem
  85. First Test Results for ThePoolFool
  86. High Chlorine
  87. Bulk DPD Powder - worth it?
  88. Confused as to what to add now...
  89. 1st test results using PS234
  90. Bleach Calculator
  91. 45000 gallon pool first results
  92. Using Test Kit on Aquarium?
  93. green gone now blue still cloudy
  94. Received PS234 kit today and here are numbers
  95. Ca Hardness Testing - Interpretation
  96. PS234 & HTH 5-way difference...
  97. New 234 Test Results vs. 233 Test Results
  98. PS200 Chlorine Chart - Am I color blind?!
  99. PS233 Results--Your input please!
  100. Necessity for ordering Salt Test in PS234 test kit