- Cheap Bleach?
- bleach vs. chlorine
- Ok here we go
- High Stabilzer levels still
- Chlorine breakdown
- Maintaining Chlorine levels during early spring
- What do my chlorine levels need to be?
- Bleach Shelf Life
- What's the deal with Njonas chemicals?
- Uncovered Our Pool Today!
- Any requirements for softened water?
- CYA Levels
- Would like to switch to bleach...how?
- super high chlorine
- Shock the pool
- Pucks without CYA / Floating liquid chlorine dispenser
- Frog Mineral Purifier
- First mistake - added too much CYA
- CYA off the "best guess" chart. Advice?
- Best Guess CYA chart
- what would be more cost effective?
- Just opened the pool... questions
- Wal-Mart bleach...what %
- How to start chemicals in a new 15 x 30 AG pool
- What to do before going away?
- Another shock question
- Check Your Bleach Before Pouring Into Pool!!!
- Cyanuric Acid Remover/Reducer
- Ascorbic versus Oxalic Acid / CYA pre-dilution
- Has anyone used this liquid feeder
- HTH Non-stabilized chlorine tablets
- Hayward Chlorine Feeder
- Can't mix Tri-chlor and Cal-Hypo?
- Question about bleach
- Skimmer Sticks... why so expensive?
- New to site and pools
- Please help with chlorination method
- Werid stuff floating in water
- Adding bleach- dumb question
- zero stabilizer devouring cl?
- Opening With Chlorine, Shock Concentration
- Adding Super Blue or other Floculant ?
- Chemicals for 12' x 36" Intex Self Supporting Pool
- Pool about to open...what do I do?
- Safe for swimming?
- Bleach Concentration %
- CYA / stabilizer at stores?
- What are "Total Dissolved Solids" ?
- Adding Dry Chemicals
- How much bleach to "Shock"?
- Hurricanes
- Brand new pool, a lot to learn
- Article on CYA--Comments?
- Chlorine-red eyes
- CYA and FC levels with SWG
- Liquid Shock??
- New 4ft x 18ft start-up help please
- ProTeam Shock & Swim (oxidizer really necessary?)
- Pool Store Liquid Chlorine
- What to do first...
- New pool chlorine questions
- Holy Chlorine, Batman!!
- Adding salt?
- Can't seem to lower CYA
- Should I adjust anything ?
- Downside to using Bleach...
- Costco Calcium Hypochlorite
- HTH Sock It
- Would 30 ppm Chlorine burn off particulates?
- This can't be right
- Na di-chlor vs bleach cost
- 96% bleach - The pool store told me :)
- Too much acid?
- How long to hold at 15ppm with mustard algae
- Cya levels in cold water
- Please Help / Advise
- Baking Soda added,pool turned brown
- CYA, hot water, and South Florida
- self standing Spa and new pool
- cloudy water
- Do I need DE?
- Chlorine Pucks vs Bleach
- Does the 3Bs work for SPAS?
- New to Chlorine, Need "how-to's"
- Copper in trichlor plague
- Small pool - how much bleach?
- Best way to add cya,stabilizer?
- My pool won't hold chlorine
- have powdery substance settled on bottom and ledges/stairs
- Re: Chlorine Pucks vs Bleach - another pool with high CYA
- Technical question for pros: about bleach
- Safe shock PPM - vinyl pool
- NEWBIE - How to make fresh water ready to swim?
- Bleach not staying in pool?
- testimonial
- when is it not safe to swim in the pool
- h2o volume of my pool?
- swithing from cal hypo to bleach????
- Liquid Stabilizer
- Filter Run Times