View Full Version : Using Chlorine and Chlorinating Chemicals

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  1. Cheap Bleach?
  2. bleach vs. chlorine
  3. Ok here we go
  4. High Stabilzer levels still
  5. Chlorine breakdown
  6. Maintaining Chlorine levels during early spring
  7. What do my chlorine levels need to be?
  8. Bleach Shelf Life
  9. What's the deal with Njonas chemicals?
  10. Uncovered Our Pool Today!
  11. Any requirements for softened water?
  12. CYA Levels
  13. Would like to switch to bleach...how?
  14. super high chlorine
  15. Shock the pool
  16. Pucks without CYA / Floating liquid chlorine dispenser
  17. Frog Mineral Purifier
  18. First mistake - added too much CYA
  19. CYA off the "best guess" chart. Advice?
  20. Best Guess CYA chart
  21. what would be more cost effective?
  22. Just opened the pool... questions
  23. Wal-Mart bleach...what %
  24. How to start chemicals in a new 15 x 30 AG pool
  25. What to do before going away?
  26. Another shock question
  27. Check Your Bleach Before Pouring Into Pool!!!
  28. Cyanuric Acid Remover/Reducer
  29. Ascorbic versus Oxalic Acid / CYA pre-dilution
  30. Has anyone used this liquid feeder
  31. HTH Non-stabilized chlorine tablets
  32. Hayward Chlorine Feeder
  33. Can't mix Tri-chlor and Cal-Hypo?
  34. Question about bleach
  35. Skimmer Sticks... why so expensive?
  36. New to site and pools
  37. Please help with chlorination method
  38. Werid stuff floating in water
  39. Adding bleach- dumb question
  40. zero stabilizer devouring cl?
  41. Opening With Chlorine, Shock Concentration
  42. Adding Super Blue or other Floculant ?
  43. Chemicals for 12' x 36" Intex Self Supporting Pool
  44. Pool about to open...what do I do?
  45. Safe for swimming?
  46. Bleach Concentration %
  47. CYA / stabilizer at stores?
  48. What are "Total Dissolved Solids" ?
  49. Adding Dry Chemicals
  50. How much bleach to "Shock"?
  51. Hurricanes
  52. Brand new pool, a lot to learn
  53. Article on CYA--Comments?
  54. Chlorine-red eyes
  55. CYA and FC levels with SWG
  56. Liquid Shock??
  57. New 4ft x 18ft start-up help please
  58. ProTeam Shock & Swim (oxidizer really necessary?)
  59. Pool Store Liquid Chlorine
  60. What to do first...
  61. New pool chlorine questions
  62. Holy Chlorine, Batman!!
  63. Adding salt?
  64. Can't seem to lower CYA
  65. Should I adjust anything ?
  66. Downside to using Bleach...
  67. Costco Calcium Hypochlorite
  68. HTH Sock It
  69. Would 30 ppm Chlorine burn off particulates?
  70. This can't be right
  71. Na di-chlor vs bleach cost
  72. 96% bleach - The pool store told me :)
  73. Too much acid?
  74. How long to hold at 15ppm with mustard algae
  75. Cya levels in cold water
  76. Please Help / Advise
  77. Baking Soda added,pool turned brown
  78. CYA, hot water, and South Florida
  79. self standing Spa and new pool
  80. cloudy water
  81. Do I need DE?
  82. Chlorine Pucks vs Bleach
  83. Does the 3Bs work for SPAS?
  84. New to Chlorine, Need "how-to's"
  85. Copper in trichlor plague
  86. Small pool - how much bleach?
  87. Best way to add cya,stabilizer?
  88. My pool won't hold chlorine
  89. have powdery substance settled on bottom and ledges/stairs
  90. Re: Chlorine Pucks vs Bleach - another pool with high CYA
  91. Technical question for pros: about bleach
  92. Safe shock PPM - vinyl pool
  93. NEWBIE - How to make fresh water ready to swim?
  94. Bleach not staying in pool?
  95. testimonial
  96. when is it not safe to swim in the pool
  97. h2o volume of my pool?
  98. swithing from cal hypo to bleach????
  99. Liquid Stabilizer
  100. Filter Run Times